While making crocheted items is often associated with homely, comfortable places like Grandma’s cottage or the...
Your Crochet » Archives for Agyness » Page 14
I’m a craft designer and author of hundreds of articles and reviews about crocheting and other crafts. I search out and present novel approaches to classic patterns and techniques to encourage you to try something new. I’m delighted that so many of you read my posts and that I can contribute to promoting our crochet community. I’m interested in crafts, interior design and love traveling and sitting next to a campfire. I live with my husband and three kids in the Rockies.
While making crocheted items is often associated with homely, comfortable places like Grandma’s cottage or the...
Modern decor is so monochromatic. Colorize it a bit. While we all love modern decor, the...
Let’s look over some afghans. Although it’s been a while since we’ve specifically looked at some...
Rainbows are back! Of all the things you can make with colored stripes, without a doubt...
My name is seamless, shoulder seamless. While they may be conceptually a bit more complex than...
We’ve had rainbows aplenty. It’s time for fruit-inspired crochet Obviously, not only rainbow color progressions are...
Granny crochet, it’s not only for blankets While we traditionally associate granny crochet with blankets, here...
Let’s decorate as many surfaces as we can While it’s a truism that you should know...
It’s time to get back to the basics While it’s true that you can really fancy...
Rainbows are a super-visible, vivid and universal color scheme Although you can make them in support...
Sunflowers are broad and flat, making them perfect potholders. While the generalized sunflower, dark center surrounded...
An elegant spa set will not be a “bath salts” gift Indeed, hand made, crocheted self...
It’s bags galore one YC today. Certainly, bags are a very variable and diverse group of...
Summer is kimono cardigan season. Since summer is a season in which you may need to...
Complete projects using beautiful edges Although an edge might not be the main focus of a...
Check out these fuzzy backyard bandits! While of course these little guys can be a pest...
Mom deserves the very best So, heart is what the very best has tons of. However,...
Crocheting is a pleasant contrast with high tech While crocheting may seem a little anachronistic in...
It’s been a while since we’ve looked at cats. Unquestionably, cats and crochet go together like peanut...
Baby seals have that awe factor… as in “Awwwwww, that’s sooooo cute!” There are undoubtedly VERY...
The sunnier side of granny squares Undoubtedly, one of the joys of sunburst granny squares is...
Cluster V-Stitch shenanigans Since the Cluster V-Stitch is a versatile technique which makes wonderful, gentle and...
Don’t run out to get new yarn. Bust your stash! Undoubtedly, there’s nothing so satisfying in...
Enough purity for a while, lets “fusion” it up a bit! Certainly, one of the under-appreciated...
There is nothing as colorful as a butterfly Indeed, not even flowers approach the level of...
It’s time to bask in the glory of the shell stitch! Although we recently covered seashells...
We did seashell carpets, here are seashell bags While it’s not every day that you can...
Is elegance dependent mostly on the stitches used? So, have you ever wondered what makes a...
Crochet up your own Crewmates and Impostors Without a doubt, crocheting is one of the classic...
Get the warm fuzzies from some furry blankets. Although it’s getting warmer, every season is a...