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Valentine’s Teddy Bear Free Crochet Patterns

Valentine’s Teddy Bear Free Crochet Patterns
A collage of crocheted teddy bears: a large pink Valentine teddy bear with a heart, three bears nestled in a wreath, and four colorful bears adorned with various symbols on their bellies.

In this article:

It’s time for some bear necessities.

Valentine’s day is ever closer, therefore it’s high time to get a-crocheting. However, how many heart appliques and candy bags can one body handle? There is a limit! Thus, why not do something a little more ambitious, like Valentine’s bear? To that point, these valentine Teddy bear patterns are a great way to show someone you care. Moreover, they are also fun projects in and of themselves and will be great for any occasion.

Velvet Valentine Bear

This valentine Teddy bear uses velvet yarn to achieve a softness generally seen only in clouds. Indeed, this bear is a case of “cuddly ‘r us”.

Velvet Valentine Bear

The full article about this pattern is here:

Velvet Valentine Bear

Happy Bears Free Crochet Pattern

In a more sunshiny direction, here are some care bear-inspired amigurumis. Conversely, they can also be great valentine teddy bears that add a touch of summer to this winter holiday.Happy Bears Free Crochet Pattern

The full article about this pattern is here:

Happy Bears 

Valentine Teddy Bear with Heart Shaped Feet

Valentine Teddy Bear

The full article about this pattern is here:

Valentine Teddy Bear 

more info about project photographed here.

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8-bit Heart Hat Free Crochet Patterns

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Terri Stafford
Terri Stafford
4 years ago

I love Care Bears! They are adorable!

Terri Stafford
Terri Stafford
4 years ago

I love Care Bears! They are adorable!