In this article:
Sunburst Granny Square Free Crochet Pattern
This blanket or throw is a radical departure from traditional crocheting designs. Its wavy texture is a veritable playground for colors, and the loud pattern presented by the author is very definitely one for a baby who’s destined to be a rockstar. As shown below, some more subdued choices are possible as well, but the texture is really the defining feature of this project. Enjoy making this, and enjoy the reactions of parents you give it to even more. A ink to the free pattern is at the end of the post.
Go to the pattern:
More info about Chitweec’s project
Sunburst Granny Square Free Crochet Tutorial
For even more sunburst fun, try these variants. The borders are joined together such that the entirety of the blanket is held strongly together by a relatively dense background. However, the sunbursts are still in full force and as you can see the variability is endless. Enjoy! A link to the free pattern is at the end of the post.