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Flower Garden Blanket Free Crochet Patterns

Flower Garden Blanket Free Crochet Patterns
Displayed outdoors, two crocheted blankets showcase colorful, floral hexagonal patterns reminiscent of a Flower Garden Blanket. These intricate designs hint at the creativity found in free crochet patterns, beautifully draped over the surface.

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The flower gardens is a wonderful pattern for a traditional airy crocheted blanket. It consists of squares largely dominated by round, concentric flower centers done in a multitude of colors. Depending on he colors, it will be either a great addition to a rustic interior, or a colorful centerpiece for those of a hippy-trippy persuasion. In addition to the squares in the blanket pattern itself, there are also other flower squares you can use, either on their own or by incorporating them into this project. A good example is the flower garden granny, which has flowers that are a bit softer and delicate and would make a good counterpoint in this blanket. A link to the free pattern is below photos.

Garden Mums Blanket Free Crochet Pattern

Skills: Easy   Designer : Jane Zane

Garden Mums Blanket Free Crochet Pattern

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Garden Mums Blanket Free Crochet Pattern

Flower Garden Granny Square Free Crochet Pattern

Skills:  Easy           Designer:  Hiromi Widerquist

Flower Garden Granny Square Free Crochet Pattern

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Flower Garden Granny Square Free Crochet Pattern

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5 years ago

UNSUBSCRIBE please – too much advertising and pressure to comment. Thank you

Gilda Maria
Gilda Maria
5 years ago

Lindos, fáceis e práticos os cobertores de flores! Adorei, parabéns pelo criatividade!

Jennifer Morgan
Jennifer Morgan
5 years ago

I’m not interested in making this

5 years ago

Mum’s garden blanket looks great with either colourway. Both have a completely different look