In this article:
Turtles, turtles, ra, ra, ra! You know how the song goes, and we do all love turtles. They are a very gracious topic for crocheting, and a very good one to start with due to their simple shapes.
Nevertheless, the level of customization that’s possible is simply astounding, and there is a turtle pattern for everyone. You can also make them for for any occasion you have to make a bunch of gifts or if you want to use a yarn scraps. As these turtles work us very fast, you can make them as a relaxing break while working on long, time consuming projects. Numerous ones in fact. A link to the free pattern is under the photos.
Cute Little Turtle Free Crochet Pattern
These stupendously adorable little chelonians are just the thing to put a smile on anyones face. They are also super easy to make, and are good stash busters as well. Make a bunch, and watch them make their way to the sea.
Skills: Easy Designer: Chiara Cremon
Baby Turtle Amigurumi Free Crochet Pattern
Tiny Striped Turtle Free Crochet Pattern
A link to the free pattern is under the photo.
Skills: beginner Designer: Amigurumi Today
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The full article about this pattern is here: