In this article:
Mandala-inspired patterns are such a wonderful way too relax when crocheting, like their namesakes, they are meditational and soothing.
Crochet Mandala Rugs are a way of bringing that mandala calm and symmetry to the middle of a room. As mentioned, they are very relaxing and soothing to make. Moreover, their calming effect extends beyond just the making process, and their mere presence in a room brings peace and serenity to a space. However, if you make them vibrant and lively, they will bringing some much needed energy to a tired soul. Regardless, they are beautiful to look at and super pleasant to the touch.
Mandala Floor Rug Free Crochet Pattern
The Mandala Floor Rug is inspired by the radial and concentric shapes of mandala wheels. What’s more, this one combines both radially spaced voids and concentric rings delineating them. Although it’s beautiful, it’s a relatively easy and quick. Additionally, it will be great for central placement in a nursery, pleasant to stand on and great for protecting the floor under a rocking cradle. Beyond this, they are just lovely to look at.
Skills: Easy Designer: Marinke Slump
The full article about this pattern is here:
Sol Sunny Rug Free Crochet Pattern
The Sol rug is spot of golden sunshine for your home. Moreover, it is an easy project that will furnish your hallway or rooms with a sunny, bright highlight that will offset any winter or architectural blahs. Thus, you can be sure that the Sol is a thick, soft rug that will feel luxurious to walk on, and will be a pleasure to crochet.
Edith Rug Free Crochet Pattern
Skills: Easy Designer: Drops Design

The full article about this pattern is here:
Don’t miss those top free patterns: Mood Blanket and Pocket Shawl.
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