In this article:
Doilies don’t have to be a fancy circle or square.
Doilies in the form of a lace circle or square are the traditional shape for this piece of decoration. However, that can get a bit lackluster to look at, as well as a bit bath salts if given as a present. In the light of this, why not make some heart-shaped doilies to spice up your sideboards and coffee tables? You can protect your wooden surfaces, yet still ad some crocheted flair to them. These patterns are easy and make doilies that are beautiful and useful, as well as great to use as gifts.
Heart Doily
This heart doily is beautiful. As you can see, it has a wonderful, radial center that’s dense and great for supporting a plant vase or the like, as well as a lacy, airy edge. Moreover, it’s a pattern that’s really best if made (and given!) as a set.
Designer: Malkova Olga
The full article about this pattern is here:
Sweetheart Soiree Free Crochet Pattern
The sweetheart doily is a lovely, richly textured and lacy pattern that will be a wonderful addition to any sideboard or table. The wonderful, intricate center is surrounded by a delicate and subtle white border. At the same time, despite the intricacy, the patter is quite easy, and would be a great way for an ambitious beginner to up her game. This is a wonderful, traditional project that you can cherish for many years to come. A link to the free pattern is under the photos.
Skills: Easy Designer: Julia Hart
Go to the pattern:
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