Looking for a beautiful crochet project you could use as a decorative element in your home? If so, then search no more because you have just found it. Inas Fadil Basymeleh comes with a brilliant Daisily Doily crochet pattern you will love to have in your kitchen or dining room. With its delightful floral design, it will make a gorgeous crochet doily you can place on your coffee table in the living room.
This pattern is suitable for beginners who have already mastered the basics. However, be prepared to work it with a puff, picot and bobble stitch to get that wonderful raised texture. Make sure to that use combination of green, white and yellow to highlight the lovely daisy flower motif. Daisily Doily is the perfect project to hone your crochet skills and create a beautiful decoration for your home. So, how about starting crocheting it today? We would love to see the final result!