In this article:
Bears are known for being sleepyheads, and they are a great nighttime companion to your little rugrats that are most definitely not sleepyheads for that 30 minute time period when you put them into bed and they insist they’re not sleepy at all. In times like these, this sleepy little teddy will help your little one snuggle in and quiet down to a good night’s rest. It’s a fun project and a very, very adorable toy. A link to the free pattern is below photos.
The Bedbugbear Free Crochet Pattern
Skills: Easy Designer : Eserehtanin (Nina)
For more free designs every day follow us on Facebook. Share your ideas and your work on our Facebook group!
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Sleepy Bear Free Crochet Pattern
And in keeping with the huggable, snuggable sleepy bear theme, here is another pattern that you can use to make suggestively drowsy teddies for your little monsters to take example from.
Skills: Easy to Intermediate Designer: Jennifer Olivarez
For more free designs every day follow us on Facebook. Share your ideas and your work on our Facebook group!
Go to the pattern:
Sleepy Bear Free Crochet Pattern