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Foxes, they ain’t just your typical chicken coop invaders…
Indisputably, in order to do crochet right, you need the right subject. Therefore, we’d like to propose these cute, absolutely adorable fox-themed patterns that will show you just how beautiful and fun these critters are. Indeed, they may be wily and they may be the scourge of chicken coop owners the world over. However they are beautiful, cuddly and so much fun to explore with crochet. So, without further ado, here are some lovable fox project patterns for your bushy tailed enjoyment.
Cuddle Me Fox
The cuddle me fox is a beautiful amigurumi, with his gorgeous, soulful eyes and blue scarf. Moreover, this is also a great toy for children to play with as it’s quite large but still a good fit for little hands.
Designer: Amigurumi Today
The full article about this pattern is here:
photo source AZULIÊ Crochê @ Instagram
Cozy Fox Slippers
Here are some house slippers that are just perfect for the fall. The fox theme is absolutely ideal for a piece of fall wardrobe to kick up your feet by a warm fire.
Designer: Kinga Erdem (Heart & Sole Slippers) and Laura Jansen (Red Ribbon Fox Chart)
The full article about this pattern is here:
Easy and Fast Slippers with Heart
Foxy Fingerless Gloves Free Crochet Pattern
Here is a great way to keep your hands warm, but still give your fingers the freedom to do everything they need to do. Decorated with cute foxes, this fingerless gloves will be a great way for the beginner to practice their skills through a project with a worthwhile and useful end product, and a fun interlude for the more experienced crocheter. A link to the free pattern is at the end of the post.
The full article about this pattern is here:
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