In this article:
There’s nothing cuter than frisky little kittens chasing balls of yarn across the room. The Frisky Hat captures some of that spirit in an eared beanie that is ultra-cute and gives your little Cat Woman the boost she needs to conquer the world. Little boys will appreciate it too, as they can just jump out and go GRRRR! from behind a corner. It’s smiles all around.
For a calmer, cuter effect, check out the Llama Hat pattern below. It’s just so adorable and sweet that any baby will be to die for. Your baby will be the envy of all mothers in the park. A link to free patterns is included under the photos.
Frisky Hat Free Crochet Pattern
Skills: Easy Designer : Muki Crafts
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Go to the pattern:
Llama Hat Free Crochet Pattern
Skills: Easy Designer: Sarah Zimmerman
For more free designs every day follow us on Facebook. Share your ideas and your work on our Facebook group!
Go to the pattern:
Llama Hat Free Crochet Pattern