In this article:
Granny crochet, it’s not only for blankets
While we traditionally associate granny crochet with blankets, here are some crochet granny poncho ideas that will show you the versatility and beauty of this technique. Moreover, these will actually be functional and attractive garments for any occasion. So, the granny poncho will be a fun interlude from your other projects. Indeed, it may even give you novel ideas and creative stimulation for your Next. Big. Project.
Summer of 69 Poncho
So, if you want to get your hippy fix, a throwback to Woodstock, this is exactly the granny poncho for it. Consequently, you should jump in and have some groovy fun for the summer.
Designer: DROPS Design
The full tutorial about this technique is here:
more info about project photographed also here.
Groovy Granny Poncho
Did I mention groovy, indeed I have, and with good reason. Overall, this granny poncho is also groovy, in name and in fact. Undoubtedly, it has a hippy-trippy vibe in its psychedelic colors.
Designer: Lion Brand Yarn
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