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Enough purity for a while, lets “fusion” it up a bit!
Certainly, one of the under-appreciated aspects of crocheting is how well it combines with other types of crafts and materials. However, we will fix all that with polar fleece baby blanket edging ideas. Indeed, you can see how a simple crocheted border can make a plain, ho-hum polar fleece blanket into something quite artsy and enjoyable. Best of all, this is not only easy, but literally requires only yarn scraps.
Quick and Easy Crocheted Blanket Edgings
So, this polar fleece blanket edging is a simple crocheted border which is then stitched onto the edge of the blanket. Moreover, it’s quite adaptable, it can be multilayered and and you can vary up the colors.
The full article about this pattern is here:
Polar Fleece Baby Blanket
That said, this polar fleece baby blanket edging approaches this question from a fancier angle. In particular, the frilly, wavy edge on top of a band of different color is quite attractive. Additionally, please note the denser stitching of the innermost layer directly into the blanket. Consequently it’s a much stronger attachment and is almost like whipping on a rope.
The full article about this pattern is here:
more info about project photographed on Ravelry.
Crochet Edge to Fleece 5 Border Patterns
However, fancy doesn’t have to mean complex. For example, how about this wavy, shell-like polar fleece baby blanket edging? It’s beautiful, but oh so simple and fun to make.
The full article about this pattern is here:
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