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The waffle square… the good, old, simple waffle square… Who’d have thought it’s so versatile and universal?
And yet, here are some very diverse waffle square crochet patterns to demonstrate the true potential of this seemingly humble stitch and building block. Take it for a whirl, and see that there are a myriad possibilities.
Squared Waffle Potholder Free Crochet Pattern
The waffle square is ideal for making pot holders, because the thickness of the stitching traps air and keeps your fingers safe. In addition, it’s a beautiful texture that’s sure to be a great decoration for your kitchen. It could also double as a trivet or just a protector for a surface on which you need to put something hard.
The full article about this pattern is here:
More info about this project here.
Squared Waffle Blanket – Joined Squares
The squared waffle blanket shows that you can expand these squares by adding rows, and you can add them to produce even bigger projects. This large blanket is proof that these projects are very attractive and useful.
The full article about this pattern is here:
More info about this project here. You can find a flat slip stitch to join the squares used in this blanket on youtube tutorial here.
Squared Waffle Blanket – Single Square
Here is a different take on the squared waffle blanket, this one with diagonal symmetry lines. This is a great way to slightly break the monolithic nature of the waffle blanket and visually make it quite different.
The full article about this pattern is here:
More info about this project here.