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Baby Picot Set Free Crochet Pattern
Contemporary projects using classic crocheting techniques are always sought after. The baby picot set is not different. These classic garments with picot edging will make baby stylish and dashing for its jaunts around town. The pattern is easy to follow, and the finished product ix well worth the effort. What better way to have the baby display their style, than through a homemade crochet outfit?
Skills: Easy Designer: Crochet ‘n’ Create
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Raised Shell Baby Outfit Free Crochet Pattern
Another classic outfit for your baby is made using shell crocheting. It’s a vintage-looking baby accessory, with decorative stripes around the sleeves, hem and neckline. Wow! A link to the free pattern is below photos.
Skills: Easy Designer: Crochet ‘n’ Create
Of course, there are other patterns for baby sets as well. If the shell stitch is not your thing, try the Top Down Set. It is a classic baby garment that will match any outfit or bassinet.
Skills: Easy Designer: Donna Wilby
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