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Cute Tiny Dinosaurs Free Crochet Patterns

Cute Tiny Dinosaurs Free Crochet Patterns
Colorful tiny dinosaur toys in yellow, pink, green, turquoise, and red, each with large googly eyes. These charming creatures are brought to life with intricate crochet patterns that delight both the young and the young at heart.

In this article:

In total, 8 small and cute dinos in different colors are waiting to become a  part of your home life. They are simply created to be carried by small hands and be a part of children’s imaginary worlds. The rainbow dinosaur pattern will allow you to make 5 different dinos about 5″ high or long (depending on the kind). They are quick and easy to make and all you need are yarn scraps.
Ami Dinos are a little bit more complicated but also very cute. You can make 3 different dinos form this pattern. Hey, but why wrack your head choosing? Why not make all of them?

Links to free patterns are under the photos.

Rainbow Dinosaurs Free Crochet Pattern 

SkillsEasy           Designer Mariya Kozlova

Rainbow Dinosaurs Free Crochet Pattern

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Rainbow Dinosaurs

Ami Dinos Free Crochet Pattern

Skills: Easy          Designer: Irene Strange

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Ami Dinos

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5 years ago

you have right, are cute

Georgiana Salyer
Georgiana Salyer
2 years ago

These are so cute, can’t wait to make them.