In this article:
Crochet owls always look adorable! Maybe that’s why anyone loves them and patterns with owls are fancied not only by children. So why not to crochet owl bag for your little one? The owl bag patterns are easy and fast, and you will find it a fun project as well. Scroll our top 5 different patterns to pick your favorite one. No matter if you are looking for a free pattern for a backpack, tote, bag, purse or… jar cover – you find all these below. Additionally we included one tote pattern which is paid (sigh!), but it was so beautiful that was hard to resist. The remaining five patterns are free, so just click below on the photo to get your favorite one. Ready? Then let’s get started!

Owl Backpack downloads free pattern or visit the pattern site.
Owl Book Bag & Owl Apple Cozy free pattern.
Owl Tote/ Bag visit pattern site.
Maybe you will like also Owl Cell Phone Cozy Case Free Pattern
Oh So Cute Owl Purse visit free pattern site.
Bonton The Owl Bag free pattern site.
Crocodile Stitch Bag free pattern site.