Looking for a stylish accessory for spring capricious weather? If so, this beginner-friendly Spring Shawl crochet pattern by Krista Cagle will definitely be worth your time. It has a beautiful openwork fabric that is thick enough to keep you warm when the spring chill can be still felt outside. Beginners will find this pattern remarkably easy to handle with basic and granny crochet stitches.
To get that wonderful softness of fabric you can already sense make sure to employ Caron Cotton Cakes yarn with a blend of cotton and acrylic fibre. We strongly recommend you try out the versatile color palette of soft pinks and purples seen in the pictures. It will surely match many of your outfits! This Spring Shawl crochet project will also do as a unique and practical gift idea. Isn’t your best friend’s birthday coming up sometime? If so, we bet you already know what to present her with.